Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Concept Cars That Changed Automotive History

Have you ever gone to a big international car show? One of the best things about attending these events is checking out the fun, creative and special concept cars on display. You won’t believe some of the designs; some look like robots while others are miniature in size and resemble an airplane cockpit. Others use alternative methods of power such as electric while some of the latest ones serve multiple purposes. Many of today’s cars were actually inspired by concept automobiles many decades ago. Prime examples are today’s popular minivan and the still hugely popular Chevy Corvette. Concept autos enable designers to really let loose and really show everyone what they’ve got!
As mentioned earlier, many of today’s well known and loved cars would not be here today if it weren’t for concept autos. For example, the General Motors Le Sabre is a concept vehicle that was also designed by Harley Earl in the nineteen fifties. It was used to introduce 12 volt electrics and an eight cylinder engine for General Motors. Concept cars are usually too abstract and outrageous for practical use; however, they may also have features which can be easily adaptable for every day cars.
We’ve all heard of the Chevy Corvette; a reasonably priced sports car that can compete with exotics in terms of speed and power. The Corvette was actually inspired by a concept auto called the Chevrolet Corvair Monza around forty years ago. Did you know that Ford built a car based on nuclear power? It was named the Nucleon.

We all became familiar with the Pontiac Bonneville as a family car, but the name first appeared on Pontiac’s first two-seater concept showcased in 1954 called the Pontiac Bonneville Special. The Lancia Megagamma was actually the first minivan ever and it was a concept auto. Back then mini vans were unheard of and today’s minivans would not exist if it were not for the Lancia.
Consumers nowadays want products that can do more than just one thing.This can be seen in the Bugatti Altess Concept car. What’s different about this auto is that it’s not only a tourer but also a racer; perfect for cruising but also for burning up the track too!
City cars are hot topic right now and many of these prototypes tend to be very small in order to fit into super tight parking spots. Many futuristic city cars are made to be super small and efficient. Citroen is showcasing its E-3Pod Antistatic concept, another three-wheel electric car created by a student designer. It seats only the driver who is situated in the third wheel and features two smaller wheels at the front.
So if you curious to know what the cars will look like in thirty years all you need to do is go to an auto show and take a look at some of the concept cars around. Some of the designs may look a bit “out there” for our time but chances are that they might become mainstream and a common occurrence in the near future.
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