Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Automotive Rust & Auto Rust Removal

Submitted By: Noella I Vane

Rust is the death of more than one auto and automotive body. Once rust starts or you notice it – well the game is over. What you can spot on the exterior surface of your vehicle is only the start. Its like the iceberg that hit the Titanic – 99 % of the damaging rust is below the surface of the metal of the surface of the paint of your car, truck or SUV. Still what is rust on an auto metal body and what can you do to prevent rust formation and as well how can rust on a vehicle metal body be treated and repaired.
Rust basically and simply is the “oxidation “of metal. As said once it starts it is a process that cannot be stopped. It is caused by simple standard moisture and a slight electrical current. In the northern climates – such as the northern US states of Minnesota and North Dakota as well as “up there” in the provinces of Canada rust is the considered the single greatest problem facing car owners.
It is said by auto and auto body professionals that rust damage must be treated like tooth decay; that you get all the damaged metal out and put in new replacement metal. Unfortunately this process is very time consuming and thus expensive at today’s labor rates and auto shop costs. Thus many shops may take the “easy way out” and auto owners often look for the less costly and expensive – read cheapest way out, just to get their auto over a short term hump. Make it look ok for now. I will decide what to do with the car next spring / summer / fall is the lament. What is often done in these “quickie”, less costly jobs is to layer plastic over metal that is to cosmetically cover up and over the rust, not totally using new metal. Yet once started, and not fully removed, rust can be guaranteed to come back into play, if rusted metal is not fully and totally removed. Even if the best , highest quality paint job is employed to cover over rust and make the vehicle appear like new , it is guarantee that at the very best you can expect a recurrence and a bubbling of rust to return within two years.
What is the answer if you plan on keeping the vehicle for an extended period of time and really want to get rid and banish issues of developing rust on your transportation machine? Its no secret that rust on a car is nothing but unsightly.
The only real and true answer is to have all rusted metal on the automobile product replaced with new (none rusted), metal. Remember one thing though. If the frame of your vehicle, on an older none uni-body vehicle or truck built on a frame, is rusted, metal thus rusted cannot be repaired either cosmetically or safely. Yes it is true.
Even metal on a frame will and can rust.
Lastly if you do live in a northern climate – such as the northern US states or cold in the Canadian winter provinces such as Manitoba or Alberta then prevention can make a major difference in rust formation practices. Heated , warm garages may sure be convenient and a wonderful luxury – yet taking a car in out of a warm garage in the winter time but terribly hard , indeed rotten for the auto. Just as your windshield frosts up with moisture as you drive out of the cold, into the warm garage, so will the metal on your vehicle attract layers of moisture and water liquid onto the metallic surface of your car, truck, SUV or van.
Published At: Isnare.com

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