Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Dangerous Driving and Speeding Tickets in Canada

Submitted By: Adriana Notton
Many people are experiencing the pitfalls of dangerous driving and speeding tickets. Several people are multitasking while they drive in order to get more done and get to their destination at the same time. This is a dangerous combination, proved over and over again by the small crosses on the side of the highway and the death toll rising everyday due to the number of car accidents caused by distracted drivers.
When an individual is behind the wheel, they should be concentrating on the task at hand, driving. However, more times then not people are doing several other things, including the latest danger to the roadways, texting on a cell phone and driving. Texting requires a lot of concentration and so, too, does driving. It is nearly impossible to concentrate fully on two tasks at one time, both requiring ones undivided attention. When a person is not paying attention to the road ahead of them, they either begin to accelerate or weave and sway the car into other lanes.
Even talking on a cell phone, without it being a hands-free type model requires more energy and attention than driving alone. And what is being said also has a major role in what could happen to the car and driver as they speed down the roadways. Distracted drivers are the number one cause of accidents, surpassing drunk drivers in many areas of the country. Naturally, people believe that driving is a place to be alone with their thoughts, but this could also be a major distraction from their driving.
Eating while driving used to be the number one distractions many drivers could not handle while cruising along the roadway. But when the cell phone began to become more popular, the cheeseburger was replaced as the major distractor in the family vehicle. Eating and drinking may not seem as if it would require that much concentration, yet it requires someone to take their eyes off the road. It is still a major concern for authorities who monitor distracted drivers and pass out tickets for speeding.
A lot of the newer cars, vans especially, come equipped with built-in DVD players. This means that the passengers could be enjoying a movie while the driver is tooling down the road. It is very easy for a driver to start listening to a movie or television show and become caught up in the dialog and become one of the millions of distracted drivers on the roadway. Placing an entertainment system in the back of the car for children and other passengers may have been a good idea for some families, but not for the driver. The best vehicles with the onboard DVD entertainment systems have the personal earplugs so people can listen to their movie without disturbing the driver.
Many people are pulled over and given a ticket for speeding in bad weather. A person's driving should change when the weather changes, yet many people continue to go several miles over the speed limit and this causes a danger to themselves and others. Rain, sleet, snow and fog are the greatest weather hazards to a driver while going over the speed limit and could cause untold damage to themselves and others. It's best to simply slowdown when the weather changes.
Some people like to think they are racing to get to where they need to be when all they are doing is putting their life and the life of their passengers and those around them in danger. Shaving a couple seconds off a commute does not help anyone. Speed limits have been tested to insure drivers are safe at that speed on that road and that is why they are posted so drivers will adhere to them. Driving the posted speed limit does save lives and will get a person to their destination on time if not in one piece.
By obeying the rules of the road, driving the posted speed limit, using turn signals, reading street signs and keeping distractions to a minimum, a driver will keep their dangerous driving and speeding tickets down as well. No one likes to be pulled over for speeding; however, they would rather be pulled over for speeding than allowed to continue on to an accident that could change their life and that of everyone in the vehicle. It only takes a moment to slow down, pay attention and save a life; it also only takes a moment to become distracted and change a life.
Published At: Isnare.com

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